The hardworking Michigan families have been forgotten for too long. It’s time to ensure Michigan’s hardworking families prosper, not just the wealthy and well-connected. We need solutions that will help all Michiganders access opportunities, support their families and build a prosperous future.
Tax Relief for Michigan’s Working Families
Right now, working families are facing a pinch. They’re seeing high costs on gas, groceries, and pretty much everything caused by inflation. Every dollar saved right now will make a huge difference for them.
In 2011, the Republican-led legislature gutted the Earned Income Tax Credit, taking away a lifeline for hundreds of thousands of Michigan’s working families. Restoring the EITC could save 700,000 at-need households an average of $3,000. In addition, 1 million children would be directly benefitted helping parents pay for child care or other needs.
Reducing health care and prescription drug costs
The rising cost of health care and prescription drugs are making it hard for Michigan families to access the medical care they need. Every American deserves quality health care that meets their needs, but efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act threaten to strip coverage for 4.1 million Michiganders with pre-existing conditions. At a time when pharmaceutical companies are making record profits, millions of Michiganders are being forced to choose between life-saving drugs and food.
It’s time to reduce costs and ensure hardworking Michigan families can afford the medicine and coverage they need to survive and thrive.
Creating fair tax policies for all Michiganders
Michigan needs a tax structure that prioritizes hardworking Michiganders, not just the super-rich and big corporations. Michigan’s hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet while the super-rich and big corporations receive tax breaks.
It’s time for big corporations and the super-rich to contribute more meaningfully to the communities and infrastructure that help them succeed by paying their fair share of taxes.
Helping Michiganders make ends meet
Each year, the wealthiest Michiganders and big corporations receive millions of dollars in tax breaks through loopholes while hardworking Michiganders with low-to-moderately-low incomes struggle to make ends meet. The Earned Income Tax Credit was designed to provide relief to working families by allowing them to pay off debt and cover essential living costs, like childcare and health care.
It’s time we level the playing field and put more money in the pockets of working families so they can enjoy a high quality of life.
Expand overtime pay
Far too many salaried workers in Michigan work more than 40 hours per week but still struggle to get by. Under the new scaled-back federal overtime rule, more than 192,000 salaried workers in Michigan can no longer get overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours in a week. Hardworking Michiganders deserve to be fairly compensated for every hour they work. Increasing overtime protections will help working families, create more stable communities and increase the quality of life for all Michiganders.
It’s time our elected officials focus on ensuring Michigan families have the resources they need to put food on the table.